My name is Hannah. I am a wife to a farmer with two beautiful children with one on the way. This will make a busy house with three kiddos under the age of 4 years old. Even with busy, crazy days, it's nice to know my kids will go to bed happily and I can have my evenings to relax with my husband and unwind.
hi parents
My story
I am someone who always needed my sleep to function and control my emotions. I did ALL the research before having my first born to try and get him to be a good sleeper. I managed to get him to be a great sleeper at night but struggled HARD with naps. I could not put him down without him crying. This triggered me and I was struggling emotionally and my depression and anxiety was creeping in.
I hired a sleep consultant and my life was changed! Being able to put my son down for a nap and having time in the day to myself felt unimaginable. I felt like a new person and I felt like I was being a better mom and enjoyed all those small moments in the day, even getting to cuddle him for naps when I wanted. I KNEW I had to share this with other moms to have this same feeling. So when my son napped I studied online to become a certified sleep consultant.
Meet the Team
Hannah Gillespie
A Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant, graduated in 2020 from the Cradle Coach Academy. I have taken additional education in reflux and tongue tie and how it affects sleep.
Trust by: Dr. Tessa van Leeuwen, Dr. Anthony Gillespie, The doctors at Cobourg Medical, Dr. Gordon Bunt -
A Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant, graduated in 2022, from the Collective of Family Health and Wellness.
My story
Hi, I’m Kendall, proud momma of a year and half old little girl named Mila and a Sleep Serenity Sleep Consultant.
Sleep is the utmost importance for my ability to manage stress, anxiety and my everyday life. Like many, as parenthood began, consistent sleep was one of the first things to go. A few months after the arrival of my daughter, we were still struggling with numerous nighttime wakeups and having to rock to sleep for every single, very short, nap. We searched for answers, but the path to having a healthy lifestyle wasn’t clear, and I questioned every piece of advice I received, feeling lost and overwhelmed with all of the different options.
Eventually, we decided to work with a sleep consultant to guide us through the sleep deprived nights and help us learn the best ways for our daughter to get quality and consistent sleep. It felt like we were a whole new family! We stopped being exhausted all the time and were finally able to enjoy life again with a full fuel tank. With this help, our daughter gained a solid sleep foundation and the skills to consistently sleep 11+ hours nightly and nap independently.
It was a game changer for us, for me especially, and suddenly I wanted to learn as much about sleep as possible. I discovered a passion for the effects of sleep in our everyday life and started down the path of devouring all of the books and research I could find on the subject.
I am an avid believer that having children doesn’t mean you have to be in a perpetual state of survival and exhaustion. My goal is to share my sleep knowledge and help exhausted parents get the tools they need to create healthy, consistent sleep for their little ones. Once your little one is sleeping consistently, the whole family can appreciate a better sleep rhythm.
You change as you become a parent but you do not have to lose yourself completely. It’s hard, it’s tiring, but having the knowledge and the support to guide you to quality sleep is available!
Our Expertise:
Get your child falling asleep independently ✔
Reduce bedtime battles ✔
Reduce nap time battles ✔
Get your child on a schedule ✔
Sleeping through the night ✔
Wean night time feedings ✔
Lengthen naps ✔
Eliminate early morning wake ups ✔
We have helped families with:
Twins ✔
Colic, Relux or feeding challenges ✔
Nightmare/Night Terrors ✔
Nap Transitions ✔
Travel/Time changes ✔
Siblings ✔
Room sharing ✔