Creating personalized plans based on your child’s age, temperament, your parent philosophy, and lifestyle. 

This is no one size fits all.

Get your child falling asleep

  • Sleeping in their crib or bed

  • Reduce bedtime battles

  • Reduce nap time battles

  • Get your child on a schedule 

  • Sleeping through the night 

  • Wean night time feedings

  • Lengthen naps 

  • Eliminate early morning wake ups

Putting your child down for bed happy, still having snuggles and kissing, leaving the room and having your child put themselves to sleep in under 20 minutes! This dream is waiting for you to make it a reality and I will get you there!

4 months-2.5 years old


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from $400.00

This Package is best for those who just need help getting on the right path, but don’t need quite as much support.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 30 minute video Training Call

  • 2 weeks of support with two 15 minute phone calls. (no text support)

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules

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from $500.00

This is our most popular package. It gives you all the tools and support you need to sleep train your child and achieve your sleep goals. We will teach your child to sleep independently, sleep through the night, establish a great nap schedule and lengthen naps.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 30 minute video Training Call

  • Daily log check

  • 2 weeks of text support (9-5pm)

  • Bedtime support for night one (5-9pm)

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules

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from $600.00

This package offers an additional week of support, as well as additional support during and after sleep training. This is great for future regressions, nap transitions, transitioning to a big girl/boy bed and everything in-between.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 45 minute video Training Call

  • Daily log check

  • 3 weeks of text support (9-5pm)

  • Bedtime support for night one (5-9pm)

  • Two 15 minute phone calls that will be used in the three weeks of sleep training.

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules 

  • 60 minute phone calls to be used within 1 year

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2.5 years- 4 years old


Toddler Basic
from $500.00

This package gives you the tools to get your child to start sleeping independently.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 45 minute video Training Call

  • Daily log check

  • 2 weeks of text support (9-5pm)

  • Bedtime support for night one (5-9pm)

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules 

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Toddler Premium
from $550.00

This is our most popular package. It gives you all the tools and support you need to sleep train your child and achieve your sleep goals. Toddlers take longer to sleep train, as well as using a gentle, slow approach. We will teach your child to sleep independently, sleep through the night, establish a great nap schedule and lengthen naps.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 45 minute video Training Call

  • Daily log check

  • 3 weeks of text support (9-5pm)

  • Bedtime support for night one (5pm-9pm)

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules 

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Toddler Platinum
from $650.00

This package offers an additional week of support, as well as additional support during and after sleep training. This is great for future regressions, nap transitions, transitioning to a big girl/boy bed and everything in-between.

  • Detailed Questionnaire and Sleep Log

  • Personalized Sleep Plan with two sleep techniques and personalized schedule

  • 45 minute video Training Call

  • Daily log check

  • 4 weeks of text support (9-5pm)

  • Bedtime support for night one (5-9pm)

  • Two 15 minute phone calls that will be used in the four weeks of sleep training.

  • 30 minute video wrap up call

  • Information to help with future sleep regressions, nap transition/schedules 

  • 60 minute phone calls to be used within 1 year.

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Phone Calls

These 30 or 60 minute phone calls are intended to help you with any question(s) you might want our expertise on. This can be used for questions about short naps, schedules, nap transitions, regressions, travel planning, or how to wean night feedings. Whatever you may need, we have the sleep knowledge to help you through this rough patch!

30 minute call


A strategy call to get our expertise on your problem or area of concern. We will help you troubleshoot and give you advice to get sleep back on track.

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60 minute call


A strategy call, diving a bit deeper into your child’s sleep. This call is helpful if you need more guidance, if you’re struggling with something that needs more time or if you have a couple things you want to talk about. This call will also come with an email breaking down what we talked about and the proposed changes to make.

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I will help you take the guesswork out of sleep training and help your child become a great sleeper and give you the tools to maintain it.