Common Fears with Sleep Training
Are you having fears or doubts about sleep training?
You are not alone! I felt the same when I decided to sleep train my son. I was overwhelmed with emotion! I loved cuddling my baby, but I felt drained not having one spare second to eat, shower or relax. I knew that I needed a change for my own well being so I reached out to a sleep consultant and it made such a big difference for me.
But that doesn’t mean it was an easy decision, in fact, I was extremely nervous! I understand where you are coming from, how hard it is to ask for help and how scary sleep training can seem. But, my sleep training strategies are NOT a “cry it out” method! I take a gentler approach to teach your child self soothing skills so you won’t worry that they feel alone. You won't feel alone through this process either, I will be there to support and guide you.
Sleep training does not mean you can never hold or snuggle your baby again. Your baby will still feel so loved while learning skills to sleep independently. They’ll also gain healthy sleep habits that they’ll benefit from their whole life. As you can see I still hold my baby for some of his naps. If he is sick or needs me or I just feel like it I still cuddle him, but honestly he prefers to sleep in his crib and has a longer, more regenerative sleep. Life is about balance. I recommend that 80% of their naps are in their crib, while the other 20% can be snuggled in your arms, the car, stroller etc. I understand that life is busy and you can't be home all the time. I will help you create good sleep habits that will provide restful sleep even when you're away.
Are you worried that a schedule is going to tie you down to your house all day? It won’t! In fact a good sleep schedule will allow you more freedom to get out! Together we will create a schedule that fits your child and your family’s lifestyle which will make you feel more free. Instead of not knowing when their naps will be, fighting those naps all day or having a cranky child because they didn’t sleep, you will have structure and a happy child because of it. Knowing when your baby goes down for a nap and when they wake up allows you the ability to make plans ahead of time for doctor appointments, having outings with friends or family. As I said before 20 percent of their naps for the week can be outside of their crib, so this could be in the car on the way to or from the beach or in a stroller or carrier if you are not able to put them down in a play pen. I can also help you get your child used to a playpen so that you are able to nap or sleepover at a friend’s or family’s house. Your possibilities will open right up!
Imagine, you put your child down for sleep and they fall asleep on their own, without crying. That sounds like fantasy doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be! Sleep Serenity can help you get there. I will walk you through the process, guiding and encouraging you the whole time to make this dream come true. Being a parent doesn’t have to mean not sleeping. I will help you get the sleep your family needs and deserves!
Message me if you have any questions or if you want to book a free 15 minute consultation.