Transitioning from 3 - 2 Naps
This blog follows an earlier entry about 5 signs your baby is ready for a nap transition.
The transition from three naps to two naps happens between the ages of 6-9 months, but typically is seen around the 7-8 month. Before this transition takes place, it is especially important that your baby has demonstrated the ability to sustain longer wake windows. If you are seeing one or more of the five signs identified in the previous entry, for a period of around two weeks, it is time to transition your baby down to two naps. This is not always an easy transition to make and it can take an average of two weeks for your baby to fully adjust to their new schedule.
It’s also important to remember that your baby will likely hit a sleep regression when they are 6 months old, this is not a sign they are ready to transition to two naps quite yet. In this instance, I would suggest working through the sleep regression period first, waiting two weeks, and then beginning the process of transitioning from three to two naps.
For reference, a typical three nap schedule around 6 months/7 months is the following:
Wake up: 7:00 am
Nap #1: 9:00 - 10:00 am (1h)
Nap #2: 12:20 - 2:05 pm (1h45m)
Nap #3: 4:25 - 5:00/5:10 pm (30-45m)
Bedtime: 7:30 pm
Wake windows: 2h, 2h20m, 2h20m, 2h30m
Explaining the Transition Process
For reference, a typical two nap schedule could look like the following:
Wake up: 7:00 am
Nap #1: 9:15 - 10:45/10:50 am (1hr30-40m)
Nap #2: 1:45 - 3:45 pm (1hr45m-2h)
Bedtime: 6:45/7:00 pm (depending how tired they are)
Wake windows: 2hr15-2h30m before the first nap, 2hr50m-3h between naps and 3hr-3h15m before bedtime.
When transitioning to two naps, you will want to begin by shifting the start times of the current naps back by 10-15 minutes each day (starting with only 5 minutes for the first nap) until you are at your desired start times for the two naps and have eliminated the last nap altogether. For example, in a three-nap schedule, Nap #2 might begin at 12:20pm. Every day, you will aim to push the start time of that nap a little later by 10-15 minutes until you reach 1:45pm; the ideal time for Nap #2 in a two-nap schedule. The last nap will still be happening until you complete the transition so it’s important to note that if you are struggling to get that last nap in at the end of the day, you could use a carrier, stroller, car or contact nap to get it in and to prevent your baby from being overtired.
It takes time for your baby to adjust to this transition, so they may show tired cues a bit early. Do your best to push their wake windows a bit longer each day or every other day. Spend time outside or change up their activity if they are starting to get tired early. Avoid going in the car or stroller to prevent them from falling asleep early.
How To Transition To Two Naps
To start transitioning to two naps, I would suggest following a three step process to ease your baby through this period. Each step will take you 1-2 days to complete. It is important to watch your child's cues and watch how they respond. For example, if your baby is struggling to stay awake during the first additional 15 minute increase in wake windows, then decrease that change to 10 minutes and try 15 minutes the next day.
Step One
Wake up: 7:00 am
Nap one: 9:05 - 10:05 am (1hr) *Nap 1 pushed back by 5 minutes*
Nap two: 12:35 - 2:05 pm (1hr 30m) *Nap 2 pushed back by 15 minutes*
Nap three: 4:35 - 5:05 pm (30m) (*can be in carrier/contact nap) *Nap 3 pushed back by 10 minutes*
Bedtime: 7:35 pm *Bedtime pushed back by 5 minutes*
Wake windows: 2hr 5m, 2hr 30m, 2hr 20-30m, 2hr 30m
Step Two
Wake up: 7:00am
Nap one: 9:10 - 10:10 am (1hr) *Nap 1 pushed back by 10 minutes*
Nap two: 12:55- 2:25 pm (1hr 30m) *Nap 2 pushed back by 35 minutes*
Nap three: 4:55 - 5:30 pm (30 minutes) (short carrier/contact nap) *Nap 3 pushed back by 30 minutes*
Bedtime: 8:00 pm *Bedtime pushed back by 30 minutes*
Wake windows: 2hr 10m, 2hr 45m, 2hr 30, 2hr 30m
Note: A short third nap of around 30 minutes or less can lead to a tired baby and will therefore create the need for a shorter wake window before bed. This nap is just used to bridge the gap to bedtime until they adjust to this transition.
Step Three (no third nap)
Wake up 7:00 am
Nap one: 9:15 - 10:45/11:00 am (max 1hr 30-40m) *Nap 1 pushed back by 15 minutes*
Nap two: 1:45/1:50- 3:45 pm (1hr 45m minimum to 2hr) *Nap 2 pushed back by 85 minutes*
Bedtime: 6:45/7:00 pm (move up bedtime if naps were shorter or showing tired cues) *Bedtime moved up by 15 minutes*
Wake windows: 2hr15m, 2hr50m-3h, 3hr-3h15m
For more information on how to lengthen your baby's naps, please read the blog post on Short Naps or reach out to me for help.
Final Thoughts
Once you find a schedule that works, stick with those wake times each day. If your baby is sick, overtired or had a short nap, you can shorten the wake windows by 5-10 minutes. You can also move up bedtime by 15-30 minutes. Do not fear an early bedtime! Remember, sleep begets sleep.
This transition takes time and patience! If you are struggling with this transition or finding a schedule that works for your child, please message me at I offer a FREE 30 minute discovery to assess your needs and how I can help your family get the best sleep possible.